But things change...
Last night as I drove home later on from visiting a patient at the RVI, whilst stopped at the various traffic lights it was impossible not to notice that Pride was afoot: Road closure signs, people leaving the very popular Northern Runners LGBT 5kms race, the plethora of rainbow flags festooned around the place from pubs, to Greggs, flying above the universities, the civic centre and my own places of work at Newcastle Hospitals. Dare I even say the lighter feel to the early night revellers.
Things change don't they...
and that is fabulous, with all the glitter, rainbows and bubbles that abound
do we remember those that paid for the change, those for whom change has meant sacrifice, who truly believe that all is sparkly in wonderland?
At our very first ever NHS Pride breakfast hosted by Newcastle Hospitals, in the grandeur of the Piano room, well signed in, well advertised and very well supported by the executive and senior leaders of the organisation,
I took a moment to pause from extracting the boy Grub from the croissant and jam mountain (yes how awesome our families were actively invited to attend and made to feel so very welcome) to have a look around.
Change had come...
There was grandads with their new granddaughter proud as mustard. Rainbow and ally families in attendance with small people trenching their way through 2nd/3rd or 4th breakfast, making new friends with the ease that confident and loved children do. There were young and older members of staff from across the disciplines, totally beaming and alive, knowing that here they were accepted, welcomed and wanted, not tolerated, put up with or hidden. Seeing their joy at being in that place, was one of those true moments of happiness. Staff and family allies, enjoying the joy of being a part of something so love filled
then I scanned the room further, to see those who had at some point had to make sacrifices, those whose journeys had been ones were hiding was the norm, were having children of their own wasn't even an option because of draconian cruel rules, those who had been disowned, those who had been persecuted or abused for who they were and who they loved.
I saw those who as straight allies had clearly travelled their own journeys that will have required them to look at how they treat people, good people who after a lifetime of negative laws, beliefs and opinions, have turned and said no, not on my watch will this happen. Love is love, no matter who we are or love.
Change has come...
in so many ways, to so many people change has come.
Change, like all beginnings and endings can be frightening, it can make us aware of feelings we thought we had dealt with, it can bring with it grief for that which is lost or could never be.
And do you know?
That's ok.
Taking that moment to recognise the change is important, to acknowledge the environmental, societal, cultural changes and the changes within us, allows us to centre back on who we are, how we are with those around us and our role in change.
Change is important, it isn't always easy, it nearly always comes with a price, but once it happens, we are left wondering how we never thought to do this before.
So yes,
NHS Pride Breakfast, next year, yes please.
Things will have changed and those of us who are long in the tooth at this diversity and equality battle will mutter that it wasn't like this before; before swallowing another coffee and diving into a bed making competition...
but somewhere in that little corner of our souls, let us never forger that for every rainbow flag flown, waved, drawn or worn today, somebody somewhere and probably not too far from us, made a sacrifice of some description so that, that rainbow could be coloured in and created.
We owe it to all of them, to ensure that when the flags are put away that the colours they represent do not fade away into the background or worse are erased and replaced with a grey void where each of our unique, fabulous and awesome selves return to a time where change was only dreamed of and whispered about behind closed doors.
Change has come, but we still have an enormous amount of transformation to do if we are all to flourish into the awesome humans we are each created and called to be; don't let the rainbows fade away when the flags get put away for another year.