I have tried not to write a note but have been pondering on this matter for some time now, firstly because it is topical and secondly because I have been asked to speak about it, to a group in a couple of weeks. Probably they will be mostly hurling rocks at me so I thought I would put my thoughts down on here first, because until technology gets even better, you cant throw a rock at via facebook!!
I think God is weeping at gay marriage. There I said it! God is weeping at gay marriage.
I think God is weeping at the gay marriage debates and arguments and here is why....
Because tonight in Syria children will go to sleep frightened that chemical weapons will be used against them in their beds.
Because tonight children in Iraq and Afghanistan will go to sleep wondering if when they go to school tomorrow if someone will blow them up.
Because tonight in Africa as the darkness falls, children will be bitten by mosquitoes, contract malaria and more than likely die from a preventable disease.
Because tonight a child will die of dehydration in any one of a number of countries where that most basic of needs, clean water, is not available,
Because tonight female children who have been married off, when they are 15 or younger will die in child birth.
Because tonight children in Byker, Walker, the West End and numerous other inner city deprivation areas will go to bed hungry because the food banks they rely on are running out of supplies.
Because tonight a male child will hang himself because of being bullied.
Becaue tonight sibling children will sit together terrified of the noise of domestic violence occuring in their home, wondering when the punching parent will weave their way into their bedroom.
God is weeping at gay marriage not because it is the cause of these things, but because the cure to these things is being delayed, while politicians, religious leaders and those who are expending their energy campaigning to stop two people loving one another are not using their energy for the good.
God is weeping at gay marriage, and so do I.
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