Thursday, 31 July 2014

Wanted someone not gay/bi or straight, neigher lay or ordained, enquiries within!

I posted a status on Facebook which seemed to have galvanised the troops into a series of responses -

"Dr W has said very strongly that I need to talk to someone about my disintegrating faith & my broken heartedness about all things vocation. But she has also clearly stated the someone should not be gay/straight/bi, neither ordained nor lay, and definitely no one I'm likely to snot if they mean to me. Does anyone here translate spaniel as Poppy seems my best bet!"

Thanks troops you all very lovely, if not slightly bonkers. The main point of my status was the hilarity which Dr W's requirements caused. However on a serious note thank you for the lovely messages. I have a fantastic spiritual director who I trust immeasurably and a great team leader at work. My frustrations with the church denominations will, I have no doubt continue ad infinitum. A church which markets itself as the church of the state, should in my humble opinion play by the rules, or in this case The Law as we in the real world like to call it. But hey as it has successfully discriminated against women for a few hundred years, who knows how long it will be before us weather causing, genocide raising gays are allowed to ooh I don't know, not break the law of the land and get married in a church.

 As for getting married and being a vicarette well, the bookies have better odds of me being elected president of Russia. Them on t'other side of the coin who are obsessed in worshiping gay instead of God are not any better, but to be honest and here is the crux of the whole thing - kids are being slaughtered across this globe as I sit here typing this wittering. They are being blown apart and those that survive the bombs and missiles will I imagine die a slow death from infection because with no electricity or fresh water there will be no way of sterilising equipment and storing drugs. But hey who cares about that sort of thing when the civilised (and I use that term very loosely) world can pull each other to pieces about who sleeps with who in their own beds.

If I thought for one instance that people would stop killing children across the globe if I didn't share my be with the lovely Dr W, I would say fine, bunk beds it is! But that is never going to happen because people are slaughtering kids because of many things not because of who I choose to love. However as a loving couple we can give so much back to a world of hate and pain,

Photo: Let's make waves!
we can be the ripple makers in this world and be a part of something that says it doesn't matter who you are, or what you believe, we are human and we are humanity in the flesh.

A final thought (stolen ruthlessly from my boss at work): Everyone has spiritual experiences, for everyone is spiritual. Some people then go on to make a religion out of these experiences. Very understandable. Tidies them up. Puts them in a box. Instead of saying, "Here are my experiences" they say "Here is my religion." All boxed and sorted. The trouble with boxes, however, is that they tend to be airless and things inside get stale. Religions can very easily become boxes, and places of airless decay. You are spiritual. May religion serve you. Not kill you.

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